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Most of us would step up in a medical emergency such as a heart attack or bleeding to provide basic first aid – start CPR, apply pressure, or at the very least call 1-1-1. Few of us, however, would have the confidence and knowledge to step up when a family member, friend, or colleague show signs of a mental health crisis or challenge, such as a panic attack, anxiety, problem drinking, or depression. This results from widespread stigma, naivety, and lack of knowledge around mental health matters.














The aim of MHFA


The aim of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is similar to medical first aid: to provide the initial support to someone experiencing or developing a mental health challenge or crisis. MHFA training demystifies mental illness, reduces stigma, and increases knowledge and awareness, by teaching people how to help. It does this by equipping participants with the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence to support those affected by a mental health challenge or crisis.


About MHFA


The MHFA program was created in Australia in 2000.

It is now licensed and available in over 24 countries worldwide, with more than 4 million people trained to date.

Developed by expert consensus (professionals, consumers, and carers).

It is evidence-based: supported and informed by research.

MHFA Aotearoa ( has been adapted to the New Zealand context.


The Workshop


A two-day intensive workshop of 14 hours face-to-face training

This highly interactive workshop involves a combination of:

  • Presentations

  • Exercises

  • Group discussions

  • Case studies

  • Scenario videos and

  • Lived-experience videos


Learning outcomes:


  • More about the concept of mental health and well-being

  • Common risk factors likely to affect mental health and well-being

  • Common signs and symptoms of a range of mental health challenges and crises

  • HOW TO provide the initial first aid to support the person

  • Referral pathways

  • Self-care consideration


Course Content:

Some of the most common mental health challenges and crises will be covered, including:


  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Problematic substance use

  • Psychosis

  • Problem gambling

  • Eating disorders

  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviours

  • Panic attacks

  • Non-suicidal self-injury

  • Traumatic events

  • Aggressive behaviours


Participants will be supplied with a comprehensive MHFA manual, providing in-depth, up-to-date information on:


  • Topics covered

  • Community supports

  • Healthcare providers

  • Resources

  • Support groups

  • Online tools and resources



Upon completion of the training, all participants will receive a certificate of completion.

They are then also eligible to complete an online assessment to be recognised as an

accredited Mental Health First Aider in their workplace and community. Accreditation

is valid for three years whereafter a refresher course is required.

(Photos of certificates)



The two-day intensive workshop cost from $450 per person*, including manual and additional resources.

It is preferable to keep class sizes between 10 and 15 participants**

*Excluding additional cost such as venue, accommodation, and extensive traveling.

** Corporate rates and class sizes available on request

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